Limits your field of vision to the Computer screen area. Cuts out the VISUAL NOISE! Allows you to control your Visual Environment. To see how it works, cup your hands around your eyes or eyeglasses, leave only a slot in the front to view your computer screen from. You can SEE the Difference! It eliminates Direct and Indirect Glare from the environment like windows, desk lamps, ceiling lights, shiny desktop surfaces... and all but eliminates Reflected Glare from the lenses of eyeglasses. And because it is a goggle, It protects your eyes from drafts of the Dry office Air. You Cannot control Glare at the sources! There are too many of them! "GLARE IS HERE, GLARE IS THERE, GLARE IS EVERYWHERE!" But, with SUMACKE®, you sure can control Glare at the receiving end! With two approved patents in the United States, and an International patent pending application, SUMACKE® has a Fashionable Futuristic Ergonomic design with cool colors and a black opaque interior. It is made from a flexible PVC compound formulated from additives sanctioned by the US FDA Title 21CFR. It is architecturally built and manufactured to conform to the contours of the face, thereby making it the most comfortable design of its kind. It is lightweight and a Universal fit i. e. ONE SIZE FITS ALL: All Faces, All Noses, Even Over All Eyeglasses! It requires the least amount of tension to hold in place. It accomodates the frames of the eyeglasses and their temple arms, without pinching any of the structures of the eyeglasses or the face. For the Employers and the Employees: With SUMACKE®, you don't need to close any windows, so LET THE SUN SHINE IN! You don't need to dim any lights! Actually, when you dim the lights, the Glare from the Computer screen gets worse! Also, because SUMACKE® cups around your eyes like a goggle, Employees and especially Contact lens wearers' eyes are protected from the Dry Office Air! In other words, your visual environment is under your control NOW! With SUMACKE®, all what you need to protect the eyes is a flat computer screen or LCD screen; a visit to an eye doctor; and to position the computer screen at 20" to 26" distance and slightly below horizontal eye level. For CRT display users, SUMACKE® will cut down on the amount of reflections from the screen that are allowed to enter your eyes because the closer you are to your Computer monitor, the less is your field of vision. For Employers, SUMACKE® will allow you to adhere to ISO (The International Organization For Standardization) standards with Ease because Lighting in the offices should be adequate for people viewing a VDT screen and for people viewing passive media. Please check ISO 8995 = "Lighting Of Indoor work Places". You can purchase it if you go to: http://www.iso.ch/iso/en/CatalogueDetailPage.CatalogueDetail?CSNUMBER=28857&ICS1=91&ICS2=160&ICS3=10 SUMACKE® is available in two colors: BLUE SUMACKE® and PURPLE SUMACKE®. More cool colors will be added in the future. CLICK HERE TO VIEW INSTRUCTIONS AND CAUTION. |